Tick tock! Tick tock goes the clock! But is your clock cool & unique? Most of us just have typical, everyday clocks that tell us the time and keep us from running late to work, school and other appointments. Oh, life is so much more fun when you have a cool clock! Fortunately, we’ve found you 30 cool & unique DIY clock projects to check out. Whether you want to work … [Read more...] about 30 Cool & Unusual DIY Clocks for a Great Time
Home Decor Ideas
If you go to the Big Box stores, its easy to see there is not much variety in lamps. they usually have a few of their own brand and then some more expensive options in hope that you would choose the cheaper option which is one of theirs. There's not that much different between them normally either, often the choice is between rustic or brushed steel. But we have a treat for you … [Read more...] about 40 DIY Lamps and Lights You Can Make Yourself
Start by having a metalsmith cut a piece of sheet metal into four 31/2x56-inch strips. He can also predrill three holes in each strip, one 2 inches from both ends and one in the center, or you can do it yourself. Make six 31/2-inch-square wood blocks from any attractive 4x4 lumber. Screw the wood blocks through the predrilled holes of the metal strips using No. 12x11/2 … [Read more...] about Doll Headboard DIY
Now who can resist the beauties of the Fall season? The vibrant autumn leaves that crunch under your feet. Pumpkin and apple picking. Fresh apple cider. A bit of chill in the air, so you need to put on your favorite sweater or jacket. Its time for Fall Festivals, Back to School, Halloween and Thanksgiving. So much fun happens during the fall! That's why we know you're going … [Read more...] about 40 Craft Ideas for a Festive Fall
Is it time to makeover a room in your home? Everyone longs for their perfect dream room, but wonders if they can make it a reality. Well, with DIY projects, it is actually often more easy than you might think! We’ve found you 30 dream room projects and inspirations to draw upon – from your master bedroom, kids rooms and other rooms in your home. Whether you’ve got plenty of … [Read more...] about Home Decorating Ideas for Your Dream Room