More people than ever before are working from home. Even if you commute to an office, more than likely you have 1 or more days where you have the option to telecommute. Lots of companies also like to offer the ability to work from home if there is inclement weather such as snow or a bad storm, so they can still keep the office open. So whether you have a business out of your … [Read more...] about 40 DIY Home Office Ideas
Home Decor Ideas
Having a visually appealing home can be difficult especially if you have budget limitations. But we all know important it is to have a home that has enticing aesthetics but is also functional. Many designers over the period of time have come up with amazing ideas to decorate home interiors. From adding a fresh coat of paint to treating windows and polishing the floors to adding … [Read more...] about 10 simple tips to decorate your home
The winter months are basically here, and that means it’s time to bring out all of your warmest socks and sweaters in preparation for the inevitable chill. But just because it is cold outside doesn’t mean that our homes have to be cold, too. In fact, there are many easy DIY project ideas you can do that will make your home much warmer this winter. Since our homes are our … [Read more...] about 3 Easy Ways to Warm Up Your Home This Winter
We spend so much time thinking about the rooms we use regularly, like our bedroom, kitchen, bathroom or sometimes that spare room, if we are lucky enough to have one. Maybe your spare bedroom is a new addition or your child graduated college last month and isn’t moving back home. Now you have this extra room staring at you and you don’t know what to do with it. In this day … [Read more...] about DIY Ideas For That Spare Bedroom
Hey! Do you want to create more space or privacy in a room? You're not alone - many homeowners face this challenge. Whether you have a large living room area that also works as your dining room too, and you'd like a separation between them. Or you have a home office that's located in a room and you'd like a bit of privacy for your workspace. Or perhaps too much sunlight comes … [Read more...] about 40 DIY Indoor Privacy Screens