Do you have a green thumb? If so, this DIY is really going to make you smile. We’ve got 40 fun and terrific indoor greenhouse projects, just for you. So no matter what type of weather is outdoors, everything can be in bloom inside your home.
What will really please you is just how easy so many of these DIY projects are. They are also quite budget friendly. We even have indoor greenhouses that you can make for less than $10! So really, nothing stands in your way of getting started with having one of these. Its now time for you to start planning what you’d like to see blooming quite soon.
Some of the most popular things to grow include veggies, fruits, herbs and then plants simply to make your home look lovely. If you grow veggies, fruits or herbs then you can add them to the meals that you serve your family. Or even make gifts to give others with them featured in them! What a lovely and thoughtful gift to give someone.
A lot of gardeners especially like to have an indoor greenhouse so they can start seeds or even seedlings indoors to put in their gardens. This really protects the seeds and tiny tender plants from animals or birds who might eat them, and gives them a chance to grow.
So let’s get started and make an indoor greenhouse. Happy DIY-ing!
Grow Light Shelving for Seed Starting Indoors
A lot of gardeners want to start seeds indoors. This means they can plant little plants instead of seeds.
From GardenTherapy
Indoor Greenhouse for Seedlings
Want your seedlings to grow and grow? Try this DIY greenhouse.
From Instructables
Love carrots? You can grow carrot leaves indoors.

Build an Indoor Garden Shelf
Want garden fresh salad every day? Build this tall greenhouse indoors.
From GardenTherapy
Everything About Growing Microgreens
Want a compact indoor greenhouse? Try this one.
From BalconyGardenWeb
Regrowing Green Onions Grow Your Scallions Back on Your Windowsill
Love scallions? You can easily grow them indoors.
From Kitchn
Growing Citrus Indoors 5 Helpful Tips
What could be more lovely that oranges or lemons right off your own tree? Now its possible even from indoors.
From ApartmentTherapy
Rolling Cart Succulent Planter
Love succulents? Try this planter.
From BHG
No Budget Windowsill Greenhouse
Want a cheap indoor greenhouse? Try this one for your windowsill.
From Instructables
Indoor Greenhouse with Touch Screen Control
Want a techy DIY indoor greenhouse? Take a look at this one.
From Instructables
How to Grow Fruit Trees Indoors
Want a little lemon tree indoors? Its more possible than you might think!
From BlessMyWeeds
An Eerily Beautiful Indoor Water Garden
Here is a unique way to garden. Water gardening indoors.
From GardenTherapy
EP 29 Hanging Garden
Here is a large indoor herb garden. You can easily grow what you want.
From Homemade-Modern
Thumbelina an Automated Indoor Greenhouse
Techy? Try this fun automated greenhouse.
From Instructables
Portable Indoor Herb Garden
Isn’t this sweet? You can move it to the sunniest spots in your place.
From BHG
DIY Indoors Greenhouse Under 5
Want a budget friendly greenhouse? Try this one.
From Instructables
Recycling Old Picture Frames for an Indoor Greenhouse
Want a vintage style indoor greenhouse? Try this DIY.
From TheCapeCoop
The Indoor LED Auto Greenhouse
Want to use LED lights? Try this greenhouse.
From Instructables
How to Grow Fruits Indoors
Love fresh fruit? You can grow it indoors.
From BHG
DIY Califia Hanging Planter
Want a pretty indoor greenhouse? Try this one.
From CalifiaFarms
Indoor Bloom Box
Want live flowers indoors? Try this greenhouse.
From BHG
Mini Seedling Greenhouse
Want a little greenhouse? Try this one for your home.
From Instructables
The Lazy Ladys Guide to DIY Hanging Herb Garden
Isn’t this lovely? You can have herbs growing indoors.
From PersephoneMagazine
Mason Jar Herb Garden
Love herbs? They are easy to grow indoors with Mason jars.
From BHG
How to Build a Simple Indoor Greenhouse with Your Kids
Want to make a greenhouse with your kids? Look at this DIY.
From TrueValue
Regrow Kitchen Scraps Romaine Lettuce
Want fresh veggies and to save money? You can actually regrow romaine lettuce.
From BackToMyRoots
Window Mounted Hanging Herb Garden
Want to grow herbs? Try this pretty greenhouse!
We Like It Wild Bottle Gardens
Be eco-friendly and use old bottles. Create small greenhouses.
From DesignSponge
Build This Mini Greenhouse
Have a couple of wooden picture frames? You can make a classic Victorian style greenhouse.
From CountryLiving
Mini Greenhouses
Want to grow plants indoors? You need a little greenhouse.
From PrairieCottageRose
DIY Make mini greenhouses from plastic bottles
Want a small greenhouse? Try this DIY.
From EcoInTheCity
How to Build a Flourescent Stand to Start Seeds Indoors
Want to start a lot of seeds for your garden? Create this growing stand.
From TheBloggingFarmer
Countertop Greenhouse
Want a small greenhouse? Try this one to fit on your counter.
From Instructables
Mini Greenhouse
You can make a mini greenhouse out of simple, inexpensive materials. Look at this one.
From FiveGallonIdeas
DIY Indoor Organic Greenhouse
Want to grow herbs and veggies indoors? Here is a great DIY greenhouse.
From GreenMoxie
Seed Starting 102 Homemade Mini Greenhouses
One of the best reasons to have your own greenhouse indoors, is for seed starting. It really gives tiny plants a chance.
From OurHappyAcres
CD Case Greenhouse
Have old CD cases? Why not make a DIY greenhouse?
From MegaCrafty
Growing Sunflower Sprouts Indoors
Want to grow sunflower sprouts? Here’s how to do so indoors.
From GardenTherapy
Egg Carton Greenhouse
Greenhouses don’t have to be big. You actually can make one out of an egg carton.
From HazelAndCompany
How to Propagate Herbs
Want to grow herbs indoors? Try this.
From GardenTherapy