Hello, DIYers!
You don’t have to wait for the science fair to come around to do some phenomenal science experiments! This list will have you and the family learning, laughing, and making fantastic (and sometimes messy) memories together. But trust us… the mess will be worth it! Hopefully these experiments can help to spark an interest in science! These are perfect for a snow day, a slow afternoon, or for a playdate!
Happy experimenting!
Cloud in a Bottle
Learn all about clouds together with this fun, interactive cloud in a bottle!
Found Steve Spangler Science
Levitation Trick
This experiment is easy to do but will impress your little ones! They will love making a ping pong ball levitate mid-air!
Found Steve Spangler Science
Lava Lamp Experiment
This homemade lava lamp is a blast and so easy to do!
Found Fun Learning for Kids
Glowing Ice Cubes
Use tonic water to make these awesome, glowing ice cubes!
Found Go Science Kids
Tornado In a Bottle
This is a famous and easy experiment that you can do with kids of all ages!
Found Mott Children
Skittle Pinwheel
This is a simple and delicious experiment that you can try different ways! Use hot water VS cold water and guess which will go faster. And how do skittles stack up against M&Ms? Find out!
Found Fun Learning for Kids
Carbon Sugar Snake
This is a super fun project that takes a few ingredients from your kitchen and sand. If you have a stash of sand in the garage, you’re all set to make this sugar snake come alive!
Found Kiwico
Pencils Through Bag of Water
Is it magic… or is it science?!
Found Awesmr Pop
DIY Fossils
Are your littles obsessed with dinosaurs?! Then they will love these fantastic DIY fossils!
Found Teaching Mama
Rock Candy Experiment
Grow your own sugar crystals to DIY rock candy! Science with a well deserved snack at the end!
Found Growing a Jeweled Rose
Secret Messages
Send secret messages back and forth by making your very own invisible ink!
Found Thought Co.
Egg In a Bottle
How can you get an egg inside of a bottle with a small with a small spout? That’s for you and your family to find out!
Found Left Brain Craft Brain
Learn About Sound
This great video and experiment helps you to see sound!
Found Generation Genius
Exploding Volcano
We would be completely remiss to leave out one of the most widely popular science experiments… creating an exploding volcano!
Found Growing a Jeweled Rose
Build Your Own Spectroscope
View colors in new way by building your own spectroscope! Test things around the house and out and about!
Found Live Science
Egg Geodes
You can grow your own crystals in less than 24 hours with this awesome science experiment!
Found Art and Soul Pre-School
DIY Chalk
The most important component of chalk is the calcium! You can make it yourself with simple items that you have at home!
Found Kidspot
Learn About PH with Red Cabbage
You and your family can test how alkaline or how acidic fluids are in your home using red cabbage!

Found Discovery Express Kids
Make Lightning
Spark an interest in weather by making this great experiment!
Found Learn Play Imagine
Easy Capillary Action Experiment
Capillary action may seem complicated to explain… but this project is so simple and easy! Learn with the rainbow!
Found 123 Homeschool 4 Me
Match Levitation
Adult supervision is required for all of these, of course, but ESPECIALLY this one! How cool!
Found Steve Spangler Science
Snack Pulley STEM Project
Have fun building this marvel of engineering… the snack pulley!
Found Left Brain Craft Brain
Plastic Milk
This is such a fun project! The tutorial shows you all of the materials that you need to make and play with this fun plastic milk!
Found Science Buddies
Magnetic Cereal
Did you know that you can find the iron in cereal with a magnet? How cool!
Found Rookie Parenting
Density Experiment
Experiment with density with this colorful and fun project!
Found Little Passports
Dissolving Egg Shell
This is a classic! And it’s pretty simple to do!
Found Go Science Kids
Make It Rain
With just a couple of items you have at home, you can do this fun, raincloud experiment!
Found Mrs. Jones Creation Station
Exploring Magnetism
Magnets can be endless fun to play with! Have fun together and see what you can get to attract the magnet in your home!
Found Go Science Kids
Mummified Apples
Learn all about mummification while doing this fantastic experiment with apples!
Found Raising Arizona Kids
Cleaning Coins
Which liquids do you and your family think will get your pennies looking shiny and new?!
Found GallyKids
Celery Experiment
What happens when you leave celery sitting in colored water? Time to find out!
Found Teaching Tiny Tots
Potato Clock
The potato clock experiment is another classic that can’t be topped! Give it a try with these instructions!
Found Thought Co.
Edible Water Bottle
How cool is this?! And it’s not very complicated! Give it a try!
Found Inhabitat
Da Vinci Bridge
This is a fantastic STEM project based on Leonardo Da Vinci’s self supporting bridge!
Found I Game Mom
Dancing Rice
You can make this great and easy science experiment and then have a dance party of your own!
Found Green Kid Crafts
Catapult STEM Project
This is a fantastic project that everyone in the family can enjoy! Should it result in catapulting snacks into each others mouths? Probably!
Found Go Science Kids
Dry Ice Bubbles
Dry ice is a great way to do all kinds of great science experiments at home, just like this bubble experiment!
Found Eating Richly
Sugar and Teeth
Trying to cut back on the sugary drinks at home? This is a great experiment to help support your goals!
Found Feels Like Home Blog
Test Melting Speed
Different colors absorb sun differently! Which helps to keep your ice cubes cooler longer, and which makes it melt faster?!

Found Curiodyssey
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