Editor’s note: this page was originally found on LessonswithLaughter.com, but that site is no longer active. We added this door to our Creative Classroom Door Decorations page and when the link showed up as broken we brought this Readbox Door page to our site so the source could be shown. If the owner wishes the page to be removed, please let us know and we will. Here is the Readbox classroom door page in its entirety.
Even though all my kiddos aren’t finished yet, I really wanted to share some pictures of our last door of the year!
I came across a pin on Pinterest {couldn’t find the original source!} a while back that was a “readbox” display at a library and thought that it was so neat! They had actual books that people could check out, but I wanted to figure out a way to adapt it for our classroom door. I thought of another project I wanted to have my students do this year… make book trailers for a book they had read. We had also done several things with QR codes this year and my kiddos have loved them! So I combined all 3 ideas together and came up with this!
First we talked about book trailers, and I showed my kids some samples. I used the site Slime Kids, which had some good examples. We also talked about what made trailers good, and what some of them could have done to be even better.
Then my kiddos planned out the slides that they wanted to include in their book trailer.
{You can click the picture below to get the form I made for them to plan their trailer… super simple, but it worked really well! They did not have to fill up all the slides. I told them they needed at least 6 and they could be a combination of pictures and words.}

Then they made the trailers using Animoto! They were super easy to make, and the kids got to choose a “theme” for their video as well as a song. At first I had them just doing the 30 second free videos, but it limited them on the number of slides they could use, and they had a lot of good information they wanted to include. I ended up paying $5 for a 1 month subscription, which I don’t think is bad at all! They are so proud of how their book trailers turned out, and I am proud of them too!
After they finished their book trailers, we made QR codes for all of their videos, and I put them on our door along with a picture of their book! They have loved scanning the QR codes and seeing their classmates’ book trailers, and after school all week they have been crowded around our door showing their families and students from other classes how to scan the codes to watch all their videos!
{We use the app QR Reader.}
Also, tonight was our Young Author’s Fair! Kids from every grade came to school tonight to read a piece of their writing to other students! It was really fun and I enjoyed hearing what students from other grades are writing about! Plus, my kiddos got to share their pourquoi tales that they have been working on! I’ll be sharing more on those later!
End of post from LessonswithLaughter.com.