How to Make 40 Terrific Homemade Birdfeeders
Do you like birds? We have a fun craft for you today. This is a terrific craft to try with your children or as a family, to enjoy the beauty of nature. One of the best things about trying birdfeeder crafts is that you are inviting birds to visit regularly and you will see all of the different types of birds that live in your area, as well as the ones that migrate through from season to season. Some people think of birds only during warmer months, when they hear birdsongs. But it is actually important to feed the birds year round because lots of people stop feeding the birds during the chillier months and the birds have a tougher time finding something to eat. Our collection of birdseed crafts offers you a terrific variety, many made from items you have right in your home such as a water bottle, milk jug or peanut butter jar. Enjoy the beautiful birds & Happy Crafting!
DIY Flowerpot Birdfeeder
Cheerios Birdfeeder
From Tablespoon
Popsicle Sticks Birdfeeder
At 101gardening
Toilet Roll Bird Feeder
From FactoryDirectCraft
DIY Chick Feeder
Window Birdfeeder
Located at Ana-White
Homemade Birdfeeder Craft
From MommyGaga
Pinecone Birdfeeder
Located at Camping-Field-Guide
Cookie Cutter Bird Feeder
From JugglingWithKids
Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder
At FaveCrafts (credit to: Heidi Borchers)
Valentine’s Day Bird Feeders
By WineAndGlue
Cup Birdfeeder
From ReFabDiaries
Bird Feeders
From Eighteen25
Make Bird Feeder
Located at MyBlessedLife
DIY Bird Feeder
From HappyLittleKiwi
Apple Bird Feeder
China Cup Birdfeeder
At HomeTalk
Orange DIY Feeder
By SheKnows
Milk Jug Bird Feeder
By WikiHow
Cheerios Birdfeeder
From TheDecoratedCookie
Orange Bird Feeder
At ConfessionsOfAnOver-WorkedMom
Quick and Easy Peanut Butter Bird Treats
Cookie Cutter Bird Feeders
From CBC
Plastic Jug Birdfeeder
Located at UpcycledPress
Natural Handmade Bird Feeders
Located at HGTVGardens
Homemade Birdfeeder
Pumpkin Filled with Bird Seed
At DreamyWhites
Hanging Orange Birdfeeder (and several others)
Located at WhatDoWeDoAllDay
Soda Bottle Bird Feeder
DIY Wine Bottle Bird Feeders
From TheGardenRoofCoop
DIY Bird Seed Feeder
Pinecone Bird Feeders for Kids
Located at TheSweetSpotBlog
Peanut Butter Bird Feeder

At GoGrowGo
How to Make a Birdseed Wreath
DIY Easy Bird Feeder
From TheDIYAdventures
Cheerio Bird Feeders
Pinecone Birdfeeders
Located at HappinessisHomemade
Birdfeeder from a Glass Shade
DIY Tea Cup Bird Feeder
From MommyMoment