This DIY project is from Frishta. You can find more about here at her youtube channel MCzyaK2wqJw. Thanks for sharing this project, Frishta.
Things you’ll need for this project:
- Picture frame
- Spray paint
- Silver paper
This project is so easy and simple and I’m sure you have old broken picture frames around the house and you can use this project many other ways such as jewellery decor, perfume stands, makeup tray and many more. First get your picture frame and remove the glass and back, then take off the back standing hold completely, you won’t need it anymore this is that makes the picture frame hold up, but some picture don’t come with it.
Then get your spray paint or paint of your choice Iv used gold spray paint for this project and spray paint your picture frame and leave it till it dries. In the meantime get you back of the picture frame and your silver paper and cut to size of the back. Once your picture frame has dried put it all back together and then your done!

Super easy to make and on a budget hope you liked this Recycle idea and I have many more of these cheap and easy diy come over to my youtube channel and check out my other diys #frishtadiycraft