Hello, DIYers!
Pipe cleaners are cheap, colorful, and fun to craft with! These crafts are easy enough for kids and fun enough to have the adults in your house enjoying them too! Which of these would you like to do?
Happy crafting!
Pipe Cleaner Chameleons On Leaves
The touch of the colorful leaves is perfection!
Found Lines Across
Pipe Cleaner Dragons
Turn your pipe cleaners into an adventure! Maybe even make pipe cleaner swords!
Found Frugal Fun 4 Boys
Pipe Cleaner Glasses
Make and wear these super fun glasses!
Found Artsy Mama
Pipe Cleaner Ninjas
Looking for a fun afternoon? Make and play with these awesome pipe cleaner ninjas!
Found Frugal Fun 4 Boys
Beaded Bunnies
How cute are these?! Make them in an assortment of colors for extra fun!
Found Rhythms of Play
Pipe Cleaner Bubble Wands
Lost your bubble wands? Now you can make your own!
Found My Home Based Life
Found Crystal Start Ornaments
Did you know that you could grow crystals on the outside of pipe cleaners? How neat!
Found One Little Project
Pipe Cleaner Rainbow
Learn the colors of the rainbow while building this lovely rainbow structure!
Found Still Playing School
Pipe Cleaner Monkey with Wooden Beads
How cute is this little guy?! Don’t forget to give him a piupend
Found Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls
Rainbow Jellyfish Pipe Cleaner Craft
Make and decorate with these hanging jelly fish!
Found Crafts By Amanda
Pipe Cleaner Tiara
If you’ve got a princess at home, why not craft her very own tiara?!
Found Stylish Cravings
Flower Bookmarks

Coffee Filter Dancers
How lovely are these figurines?! Make them and then play!
Found One Little Project
Lollipop Pipe Cleaner Project
How cute are these lollipops? All the sweetness without the sugar!
Found Making Mama Magic
Pipe Cleaner Tic Tac Toe
Want to play tic tac toe? Make your own game with pipe cleaners!
Found Makes & Takes
Pipe Cleaner Turtle
Make yourself a cute turtle to play with!
Simple Snail Finger Puppet
This little snail uses pipe cleaners and an upcycled cap!
Found Creative Little Explorers
Pipe Cleaner Super Heroes
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… Pipe Cleaner Man!
Found Frugal Fun 4 Boys and Girls
Flower Rings
How lovely are these?! This is a fantastic craft for a playdate or slumber party!
Found One Little Project
Pipe Cleaner Sting Ray
This ocean pal can have a place among your play with this great pipe cleaner craft!
Found Frugal Fun 4 Boys and Girls
Pipe Cleaner Bird Feeders
You can use these fun and simple bird feeders out in your yard to attract birds to watch!
Beaded Pipe Cleaner Dragonflies
How cute are these?! Why not make them together this afternoon?!
Found One Little Project
Pipe Cleaner Flowers
Create a garden’s worth of these beautiful flowers with pony beads!
Found One Little Project
Pipe Cleaner Bunny Ears
Whether it is Easter or just for fun, you can’t go wrong with these bunny ears!
Found Cutesy Crafts
Fireworks Ring
This is perfect for the 4th of July or any day!
Found Mom Dot
Styrofoam Base Structure
These toys are so popular with kids! Now you can make them with pipe cleaners and pony beads!
Found Ampersand
Beaded Pipe Cleaner Butterflies
These butterflies are so fun! Make them and then decorate with them! You might even consider turning them into magnets for your refrigerator!
Found One Little Project
Pipe Cleaner Mouse
Make yourself a squeaky mouse friend and carry him around with you!
Found Frugal Fun 4 Boys and Girls
Cacti Garden
These cacti are fuzzy instead of spikey!
Found Handmade Charlotte
Silly Finger Puppets
Make these cute finger puppets with pipe cleaners, pom poms and googly eyes. Then you can make up a story with them!
Found One Little Project